7.15 Integration Guide – ePay
In this article you will find instructions on how to integrate RentSyst with Payment Gateway ePay.
Pay attention, that you need to create and set up an ePay account first. And only the next you may follow the steps below.
1. Credentials.
You will need to request following credentials to make successfully integration of RentSyst with your ePay account:
Merchant ID
Post ID
Acquirer ID
2. Authorization Letter.
These credentials should be requested directly from your company name to the ePay Support department, because this data can be provided only by the ePay Team.
So you will need to write an Authorization Letter from your company name to the ePay support department. You may use Template below:
< template start >
Your company information
Contact phone
Contact email
To whom it may concern:
Euronet Merchant Services Payment Institution Single Member S.A.
1 Sachtouri & Poseidonos Ave., 176 74 Kallithea
Athens, Greece
Authorization Letter
Kindly ask to verify following data to make successful integration between our ePay main account and Rentsyst software:
website url: https://pay.rentsyst.com/
referrer ur: https://pay.rentsyst.com/
success url:
failure url:
backlink url:
ip address:
response method: post
< template finish >
Please write and safe the Authorization Letter in WORD or PDF format and send to ePay support: [email protected]
You can also put in c copy RentSyst Support Team [email protected].
3. ePay verification.
After ePay verification, you will receive an email from ePay support with credentials.
See example below:
Important: Data marked red is only a sample, do not use the same. Credentials data is unique, so you will have your own numbers.
4. Connection.
Put received credentials to your RentSyst account > Settings > Integrations & Agents > Choose ePay:
In pop-up window – enter received credentials:
Now integration with ePay is connected and you will be able to automate payments by card through Rentsyst directly.
Recommend to check our Video guide Integration with Payment Gateway:
If you have any questions about integration with ePAY (Greece), please feel free contact our Customer Success Department: